The Cancellation Deadline is calculated to the exact second.
If the Cancellation Deadline is 1 week, then for a session that starts at 3pm on 28 March you can remove no later than 2:59:59pm on 21 March i.e. exactly 1 week prior to the session start time.
You can remove after the deadline
but you will pay the session fee
less applicable Child Care Subsidy, and it will be treated as an absence.
You can cancel booking errors within the first two hours of creation, but not within 1 minute prior to the session start time. Removing a booking immediately makes the place available to others. Rebooking is at the prevailing Fee Tier and is subject to availability.
Late pickup fees apply per child per minute, rounded down.
If the session finishes at 6pm and you collect your child at 6:05:30 pm, you are five minutes late. If the fee is $2 per minute, you are liable for an extra $10 (5 mins x $2 per minute = $10). Late pickup fees are calculated separately per child.